Saturday, November 28, 2009

The 35 Day Challenge . . . 35 donors in 35 days for $35/mo = $1200/mo (aka: "me outta here & back to Siberia")

I’m Counting Down . . . . . . 35 days until the New Year.
35 donors commit $35/mo in the next 35 days
until the New Year, then I’m outta here!!!

That’s one a day!

If you have been considering, this is a perfect time to begin monthly support

to become part of the financial portion of SIBERIA COMMUNITY USA . . .

go to:

and click -- “Support this Ministry”

Itinerating by Skis in Fairbanks
First time Cross Country Falling . . .
Thanks, Rochelle for my 1st CC experience . . .
this climate & beautiful terrain has made me homesick for Siberia!!!