Saturday, March 29, 2008
1st Regional Youth Leader Meeting
Youth Travels #3 Feb 08

On to Tatayrova
The fad in Tatayrova is for teens to translate satanist songs from German or English and publish the words in their school paper.
Tanya is 15, wants to serve God, and is a spitfire whose style is respected by other teens.
Youth Travels #2 Feb 08

. . . BUT 1st we got a FLAT w/ an expensive winter tire near the local Buddhist shrine . . .
Have you ever tried to change a tire reading an instruction manual in Russian???

We finally got to Novokijinginsk . . . one of my favorite places! Someone gave them several (maybe 30 or 40?) sets of skis, and they are using them to hang out with the kids from the local orphanage . . . they are definitely in the relationship building mode.
They listened to our hearts & we to theirs.
Sergei is their new leader & a great guy . . . pray for he & his wife Katya.
Then on down the road to Ilka where even the church is currently non-existent, but there is thought that a tea cafe/hang out could be effective.
And finally to Garhone . . . Pastor Valody says he may be older than the typical youth leader, but as long as there's no one else, he's joining our ranks :) He really feels that what we are doing is not just talk . . . that something powerful is going to begin happening in our youth!!!
Pictured here w/ Sasha who committed his life to Jesus later that day.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Youth Travels #1 Jan/Feb 08
These 2 churches, Bethlehem & Way of Faith, are two of the largest in town and were part of our support team as we began our travels . . .

Way of Faith Church Youth helping me out w/ the Joseph story
This was a great Sunday . . . Way of Faith Church Youth surprised their leader and got serious about the month of fasting and praying called for in February for the youth of Buryatia. They didn't stop at month's end because God started to really "show up" for them . . . they were experiencing God . . . not just talking about Him. This Sunday, two guys came to the youth meeting . . . no one even invited them, but they came and gave their hearts to Jesus. The week before, 3 more teens had come at someone's invitation & gave their lives to Christ.