Home for 2 days, and then off again to Kamensk, Oymr, Baikal Kudara, Selenginsk . . .
Here's Masha & Valya in Baikal Kudara . . . this has been a tough place for Valya, but she stays tough and young people will seek her out to ask questions.
Hey, Masha!

The Orthodox Church is the "norm" church in Russia . . . evangelical & protestant churches are viewed on as sects.
On to Tatayrova
The fad in Tatayrova is for teens to translate satanist songs from German or English and publish the words in their school paper.
Tanya is 15, wants to serve God, and is a spitfire whose style is respected by other teens.
Kara..when you return to Siberia. Please pass on my greetings to those that are working so faithfully in and among their own people. May God Bless them Abundantly and Protect them.