I just got back to Siberia, and a month later, it was time to turn around and fly back 5 time zones to Moscow for Council and to meet the New Bishop (like General Superintendent) Eduard!
St. Basil's @ Night . . . the only time there's reasonable
traffic in Moscow is after 11 pm & before like 3 AM.
With Dorothy (from Kenya & studying in Moscow) in Red's Square
Kremlin @ Nite
Meet the New Bishop Eduard & Larissa . . . from Perm
Awesome worship . . .
. . . and choirs @ Council.
Bishop Grigory, Russia Area Director Rick Lang, Head Bishop
Edward, & Tony, a Missionary to Global University
Mike Chowning speaking to the Council w/ John Asachov translating
More Missionaries . . . The Halls & Dianna listening attentively